Monday, December 30, 2019

A Beginners Guide to Identifying Trees in Winter

Identifying a dormant tree is not nearly as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Winter tree identification will demand some dedication to applying the necessary practice to improve the skill of identifying trees without leaves. But if you follow my instructions and use your powers of observation you will find a pleasurable and beneficial way to enhance your skills as a naturalist—even in the dead of winter. Learning to identify a tree without leaves can immediately make your growing season trees easier to name. Using Botanical Markers and Tree Characteristics for Winter Tree Identification Dont be fooled into thinking that a twig key is the only answer when identifying a dormant tree. Your overall observation skills and sizing up a tree will be invaluable even as the twig key is tucked away in your warm library. A trees crown can give you valuable clues to finding a trees botanical name by unique crown shape, fruit and/or their leftover containers, persistent leaves, live twigs and growth habit. Get to know a trees characteristics or markers. Examining a Tree Twig for Winter Tree Identification To use a tree twig key means learning a twigs botanical parts. A key can help you identify a tree to the specific species by asking two questions where you can affirm one and eliminate the other. This is called a dichotomous key. Become familiar with a tree twigs characteristics. Using Alternate and Opposite Tree Leaf and Twig Arrangement for Winter Tree Identification Most tree twig keys start with the arrangement of leaf, limb, and buds. Determining opposite and alternate arrangements is the primary first separation of the most common tree species. You can eliminate major blocks of trees just by observing its leaf and twig arrangement. Identifying a dormant tree can be a visual challenge. Visit the  gallery of winter photos that illustrate many subtle botanical clues exhibited by dormant trees. Naturalist Josh Sayers has developed his Portrait of the Earth photo resource for identifying trees in winter. It may help to use this and other resources as you learn about trees and their dormant parts.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ethical Issues Of Group Therapy And Individual Counseling...

Ethical Issues in Group Therapy and Individual Counseling Nichole Halls Liberty University Abstract Ethics or morals can be defined as right and wrong. It shapes our worldview by the choices that we make. It is a set of principles of right conduct, or a theory or system of moral values. High ethical values are crucial to our individual lives. Most people when they think of ethics, they tend to refer to the golden rule† do unto others, as you would have them do unto you†. This paper will look at ethical issues that arise during group therapy. It will discuss the leader, the qualities of a good leader, and how they should handle ethical issues when they arise. This paper will also consider ethical issues that can arise in individual counseling, and why a leader would choose group therapy over individual counseling. Challenges will come during counseling sessions, group and individual, but they must be handled in a professional, respectful manner. The leader must choose what is the best course of action when presented with these challenges, and remain within the code of et hics; which provide guidelines which must be followed. Ethical Issues in Group Therapy and Individual Counseling Ethics and making ethical decisions is a vital piece in a counselor’s career. Whether it is individual therapy or group therapy, a counselor must always present themselves as knowledgeable, professional and in control. When a counselor is making an ethical decision, they should as much as possibleShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues Unique For Group Therapy And Individual Counseling921 Words   |  4 PagesEthical Issues Unique to Group Therapy and Individual Counseling Clients and therapists now have the options between individual and group counseling as methods to help to work through life changes and cope with issues in relationships, addictions, feelings, grief, stress and many others. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Prelude to Foundation Chapter 8 Sunmaster Free Essays

SUNMASTER FOURTEEN-†¦ A leader of the Mycogen Sector of ancient Trantor†¦ As is true of all the leaders of this ingrown sector, little is known of him. That he plays any role at all in history is due entirely to his interrelationship with Hari Seldon in the course of The Flight†¦ Encyclopedia Galactica 35. There were just two seats behind the compact pilot compartment and when Seldon sat down on padding that gave slowly beneath him meshed fabric came forward to encircle his legs, waist, and chest and a hood came down over his forehead and ears. We will write a custom essay sample on Prelude to Foundation Chapter 8 Sunmaster or any similar topic only for you Order Now He felt imprisoned and when he turned to his left with difficulty-and only slightly-he could see that Dors was similarly enclosed. The pilot took his own seat and checked the controls. Then he said, â€Å"I’m Endor Levanian, at your service. You’re enmeshed because there will be a considerable acceleration at lift-off. Once we’re in the open and flying, you’ll be released. You needn’t tell me your names. It’s none of my business.† He turned in his seat and smiled at them out of a gnomelike face that wrinkled as his lips spread outward. â€Å"Any psychological difficulties, youngsters?† Dors said lightly, â€Å"I’m an Outworlder and I’m used to flying.† â€Å"That is also true for myself,† said Seldon with a bit of hauteur. â€Å"Excellent, youngsters. Of course, this isn’t your ordinary air-jet and you may not have done any night flying, but I’ll count on you to bear up.† He was enmeshed too, but Seldon could see that his arms were entirely free. A dull hum sounded inside the jet, growing in intensity and rising in pitch. Without actually becoming unpleasant, it threatened to do so and Seldon made a gesture as though to shake his head and get the sound out of his ears, but the attempt to do so merely seemed to stiffen the hold of the head-mesh. The jet then sprang (it was the only verb Seldon could find to describe the event) into the air and he found himself pushed hard against the back and bottom of his seat. Through the windshield in front of the pilot, Seldon saw, with a twinge of horror, the flat rise of a wall-and then a round opening appear in that wall. It was similar to the hole into which the air-taxi had plunged the day he and Hummin had left the Imperial Sector, but though this one was large enough for the body of the jet, it certainly did not leave room for the wings. Seldon’s head turned as far to the right as he could manage and did so just in time to see the wing on his side wither and collapse. The jet plunged into the opening and was seized by the electromagnetic field and hurtled along a lighted runnel. The acceleration was constant and there were occasional clicking noises that Seldon imagined might be the passing of individual magnets. And then, in less than ten minutes, the jet was spewed out into the atmosphere, headlong into the sudden pervasive darkness of night. The jet decelerated as it passed beyond the electromagnetic field and Seldon felt himself flung against the mesh and plastered there for a few breathless moments. Then the pressure ceased and the mesh disappeared altogether. â€Å"How are you, youngsters?† came the cheerful voice of the pilot. â€Å"I’m not sure,† said Seldon. He turned to Dors. â€Å"Are you all right?† â€Å"Certainly,† she answered. â€Å"I think Mr. Levanian was putting us through his paces to see if we were really Outworlders. Is that so, Mr. Levanian?† â€Å"Some people like excitement,† said Levanian. â€Å"Do you?† â€Å"Within limits,† said Dors. Then Seldon added approvingly, â€Å"As any reasonable person would admit.† Seldon went on. â€Å"It might have seemed less humorous to you, sir, if you had ripped the wings off the jet.† â€Å"Impossible, sir. I told you this is not your ordinary air-jet. The wings are thoroughly computerized. They change their length, width, curvature, and overall shape to match the speed of the jet, the speed and direction of the wind, the temperature, and half a dozen other variables. The wings wouldn’t tear off unless the jet itself was subjected to stresses that would splinter it.† There was a spatter against Seldon’s window. He said, â€Å"It’s raining.’ â€Å"It often is,† said the pilot. Seldon peered out the window. On Helicon or on any other world, there would have been lights visible-the illuminated works of man. Only on Trantor would it be dark. Well, not entirely. At one point he saw the flash of a beacon light. Perhaps the higher reaches of Upperside had warning lights. As usual, Dors took note of Seldon’s uneasiness. Patting his hand, she said, â€Å"I’m sure the pilot knows what he’s doing, Hari.† â€Å"I’ll try to be sure of it, too, Dors, but I wish he’d share some of that knowledge with us,† Seldon said in a voice loud enough to be overheard. â€Å"I don’t mind sharing,† said the pilot. â€Å"To begin with, we’re heading up and we’ll be above the cloud deck in a few minutes. Then there won’t be any rain and we’ll even see the stars.† He had timed the remark beautifully, for a few stars began to glitter through the feathery cloud remnants and then all the rest sprang into brightness as the pilot flicked off the lights inside the cabin. Only the dim illumination of his own instrument panel remained to compete, and outside the window the sky sparkled brightly. Dors said, â€Å"That’s the first time in over two years that I’ve seen the stars. Aren’t they marvelous? They’re so bright-and there are so many of them.† The pilot said, â€Å"Trantor is nearer the center of the Galaxy than most of the Outworlds.† Since Helicon was in a sparse corner of the Galaxy and its star field was dim and unimpressive, Seldon found himself speechless. Dors said, â€Å"How quiet this flight has become.† â€Å"So it is,† said Seldon. â€Å"What powers the jet, Mr. Levanian?† â€Å"A microfusion motor and a thin stream of hot gas.† â€Å"I didn’t know we had working microfusion air-jets. They talk about it, but-â€Å" â€Å"There are a few small ones like this. So far they exist only on Trantor and are used entirely by high government officials.† Seldon said, â€Å"The fees for such travel must come high.† â€Å"Very high, sir.† â€Å"How much is Mr. Hummin being charged, then?† â€Å"There’s no charge for this flight. Mr. Hummin is a good friend of the company who owns these jets.† Seldon grunted. Then he asked, â€Å"Why aren’t there more of these microfusion air-jets?† â€Å"Too expensive for one thing, sir. Those that exist fulfill all the demand.† â€Å"You could create more demand with larger jets.† â€Å"Maybe so, but the company has never managed to make microfusion engines strong enough for large air-jets.† Seldon thought of Hummin’s complaint that technological innovation had declined to a low level. â€Å"Decadent,† he murmured. â€Å"What?† said Dors. â€Å"Nothing,† said Seldon. â€Å"I was just thinking of something Hummin once said to me.† He looked out at the stars and said, â€Å"Are we moving westward, Mr. Levanian?† â€Å"Yes, we are. How did you know?† â€Å"Because I thought that we would see the dawn by now if we were heading east to meet it.† But dawn, pursuing the planet, finally caught up with them and sunlight-real sunlight brightened the cabin walls. It didn’t last long, however, for the jet curved downward and into the clouds. Blue and gold vanished and were replaced by dingy gray and both Seldon and Dors emitted disappointed cries at being deprived of even a few more moments of true sunlight. When they sank beneath the clouds, Upperside was immediately below them and its surface-at least at this spot-was a rolling mixture of wooded grottos and intervening grassland. It was the sort of thing Clowzia had told Seldon existed on Upperside. Again there was little time for observation, however. An opening appeared below them, rimmed by lettering that spelled MYCOGEN. They plunged in. 36. They landed at a jetport that seemed deserted to Seldon’s wondering eyes. The pilot, having completed his task, shook hands with both Hari and Dors and took his jet up into the air with a rush, plunging it into an opening that appeared for his benefit. There seemed, then, nothing to do but wait. There were benches that could seat perhaps a hundred people, but Seldon and Dors Venabili were the only two people around. The port was rectangular, surrounded by walls in which there must be many tunnels that could open to receive or deliver jets, but there were no jets present after their own had departed and none arrived while they waited. There were no people arriving or any indications of habitation; the very life hum of Trantor was muted. Seldon felt this aloneness to be oppressive. He turned to Dors and said, â€Å"What is it that we must do here? Have you any idea?† Dors shook her head. â€Å"Hummin told me we would be met by Sunmaster Fourteen. I don’t know anything beyond that.† â€Å"Sunmaster Fourteen? What would that be?† â€Å"A human being, I presume. From the name I can’t be certain whether it would be a man or a woman.† â€Å"An odd name.† â€Å"Oddity is in the mind of the receiver. I am sometimes taken to be a man by those who have never met me.† â€Å"What fools they must be,† said Seldon, smiling. â€Å"Not at all. Judging from my name, they are justified. I’m told it is a popular masculine name on various worlds.† â€Å"I’ve never encountered it before.† â€Å"That’s because you aren’t much of a Galactic traveler. The name ‘Hari’ is common enough everywhere, although I once knew a woman named ‘Hare,’ pronounced like your name but spelled with an ‘e.’ In Mycogen, as I recall, particular names are confined to families-and numbered.† â€Å"But Sunmaster seems so unrestrained a name.† â€Å"What’s a little braggadocio? Back on Cinna, ‘Dors’ is from an Old local expression meaning ‘spring gift.’ â€Å" â€Å"Because you were born in the spring?† â€Å"No. I first saw the light of day at the height of Cinna’s summer, but the name struck my people as pleasant regardless of its traditional-and largely forgotten-meaning.† â€Å"In that case, perhaps Sunmaster-â€Å" And a deep, severe voice said, â€Å"That is my name, tribesman.† Seldon, startled, looked to his left. An open ground-car had somehow drawn close. It was boxy and archaic, looking almost like a delivery wagon. In it, at the controls, was a tall old man who looked vigorous despite his age. With stately majesty, he got out of the ground-car. He wore a long white gown with voluminous sleeves, pinched in at the wrists. Beneath the gown were soft sandals from which the big toe protruded, while his head, beautifully shaped, was completely hairless. He regarded the two calmly with his deep blue eyes. He said, â€Å"I greet you, tribesman.† Seldon said with automatic politeness, â€Å"Greetings, sir.† Then, honestly puzzled, he asked, â€Å"How did you get in?† â€Å"Through the entrance, which closed behind me. You paid little heed.† â€Å"I suppose we didn’t. But then we didn’t know what to expect. Nor do we now.† â€Å"Tribesman Chetter Hummin informed the Brethren that there would be members from two of the tribes arriving. He asked that you be cared for.† â€Å"Then you know Hummin.† â€Å"We do. He has been of service to us. And because he, a worthy tribesman, has been of service to us, so must we be now to him. There are few who come to Mycogen and few who leave. I am to make you secure, give you houseroom, see that you are undisturbed. You will be safe here.† Dors bent her head. â€Å"We are grateful, Sunmaster Fourteen.† Sunmaster turned to look at her with an air of dispassionate contempt. â€Å"I am not unaware of the customs of the tribes,† he said. â€Å"I know that among them a woman may well speak before being spoken to. I am therefore not offended. I would ask her to have a care among others of the Brethren who may be of lesser knowledge in the matter.† â€Å"Oh really?† said Dors, who was clearly offended, even if Sunmaster was not. â€Å"In truth,† agreed Sunmaster. â€Å"Nor is it needful to use my numerical identifier when I alone of my cohort am with you. ‘Sunmaster’ will be sufficient.-Now I will ask you to come with me so that we may leave this place which is of too tribal a nature to comfort me.† â€Å"Comfort is for all of us,† said Seldon, perhaps a little more loudly than was necessary, â€Å"and we will not budge from this place unless we are assured that we will not be forcibly bent to your liking against our own natures. It is our custom that a woman may speak whenever she has something to say. If you have agreed to keep us secure, that security must be psychological as well as physical.† Sunmaster gazed at Seldon levelly and said, â€Å"You are bold, young tribesman. Your name?† â€Å"I am Hari Seldon of Helicon. My companion is Dors Venabili of Cinna.† Sunmaster bowed slightly as Seldon pronounced his own name, did not move at the mention of Dors’s name. He said, â€Å"I have sworn to Tribesman Hummin that we will keep you safe, so I will do what I can to protect your woman companion in this. If she wishes to exercise her impudence, I will do my best to see that she is held guiltless.-Yet in one respect you must conform.† And he pointed, with infinite scorn, first to Seldon’s head and then to Dors’s. â€Å"What do you mean?† said Seldon. â€Å"Your cephalic hair.† â€Å"What about it?† â€Å"It must not be seen.† â€Å"Do you mean we’re to shave our heads like you? Certainly not.† â€Å"My head is not shaven, Tribesman Seldon. I was depilated when I entered puberty, as are all the Brethren and their women.† â€Å"If we’re talking about depilation, then more than ever the answer is no-never.† â€Å"Tribesman, we ask neither shaving nor depilation. We ask only that your hair be covered when you are among us.† â€Å"How?† â€Å"I have brought skincaps that will mold themselves to your skulls, together with strips that will hide the superoptical patches the eyebrows. You will wear them while with us. And of course, Tribesman Seldon, you will shave daily-or oftener if that becomes necessary.† â€Å"But why must we do this?† â€Å"Because to us, hair on the head is repulsive and obscene.† â€Å"Surely, you and all your people know that it is customary for others, in all the worlds of the Galaxy, to retain their cephalic hair.† â€Å"We know. And those among us, like myself, who must deal with tribesmen now and then, must witness this hair. We manage, but it is unfair to ask the Brethren generally to suffer the sight.† Seldon said, â€Å"Very well, then, Sunmaster-but tell me. Since you are born with cephalic hair, as all of us are and as you all retain it visibly till puberty, why is it so necessary to remove it? Is it just a matter of custom or is there some rationale behind it?† And the old Mycogenian said proudly, â€Å"By depilation, we demonstrate to the youngster that he or she has become an adult and through depilation adults will always remember who they are and never forget that all others are but tribesmen.† He waited for no response (and, in truth, Seldon could think of none) but brought out from some hidden compartment in his robe a handful of thin bits of plastic of varying color, stared keenly at the two faces before him, holding first one strip, then another, against each face. â€Å"The colors must match reasonably,† he said. â€Å"No one will be fooled into thinking you are not wearing a skincap, but it must not be repulsively obvious.† Finally, Sunmaster gave a particular strip to Seldon and showed him how it could be pulled out into a cap. â€Å"Please put it on, Tribesman Seldon,† he said. â€Å"You will find the process clumsy at first, but you will grow accustomed to it.† Seldon put it on, but the first two times it slipped off when he tried to pull it backward over his hair. â€Å"Begin just above your eyebrows,† said Sunmaster. His fingers seemed to twitch, as though eager to help. Seldon said, suppressing a smile, â€Å"Would you do it for me?† And Sunmaster drew back, saying, almost in agitation, â€Å"I couldn’t. I would be touching your hair.† Seldon managed to hook it on and followed Sunmaster’s advice, in pulling it here and there until all his hair was covered. The eyebrow patches fitted on easily. Dors, who had watched carefully, put hers on without trouble. â€Å"How does it come off?† asked Seldon. â€Å"You have but to find an end and it will peel off without trouble. You will find it easier both to put on and take off if you cut your hair shorter.† â€Å"I’d rather struggle a bit,† said Seldon. Then, turning to Dors, he said in a low voice, â€Å"You’re still pretty, Dors, but it does tend to remove some of the character from your face.† â€Å"The character is there underneath just the same,† she answered. â€Å"And I dare say you’ll grow accustomed to the hairless me.† In a still lower whisper, Seldon said, â€Å"I don’t want to stay here long enough to get accustomed to this.† Sunmaster, who ignored, with visible haughtiness, the mumblings among mere tribesmen, said, â€Å"If you will enter my ground-car, I will now take you into Mycogen.† 37. â€Å"Frankly,† whispered Dors, â€Å"I can scarcely believe I’m on Trantor.† â€Å"I take it, then, you’ve never seen anything like this before?† said Seldon. â€Å"I’ve only been on Trantor for two years and I’ve spent much of my time at the University, so I’m not exactly a world traveler. Still, I’ve been here and there and I’ve heard of this and that, but I’ve never seen or heard of anything like this. The sameness.† Sunmaster drove along methodically and without undue haste. There were other wagonlike vehicles in the roadway, all with hairless men at the controls, their bald pates gleaming in the light. On either side there were three-story structures, unornamented, all lines meeting at right angles, everything gray in color. â€Å"Dreary,† mouthed Dors. â€Å"So dreary.† â€Å"Egalitarian,† whispered Seldon. â€Å"I suspect no Brother can lay claim to precedence of any obvious kind over any other.† There were many pedestrians on the walkways as they passed. There were no signs of any moving corridors and no sound of any nearby Expressway. Dors said, â€Å"I’m guessing the grays are women.† â€Å"Its hard to tell,† said Seldon. â€Å"The gowns hide everything and one hairless head is like another.† â€Å"The grays are always in pairs or with a white. The whites [also] walk alone and Sunmaster is a white.† â€Å"You may be right.† Seldon raised his voice. â€Å"Sunmaster, I am curious.† â€Å"If you are, then ask what you wish, although I am by no means required to answer.† â€Å"We seem to be passing through a residential area. There are no signs of business establishments, industrial areas-â€Å" â€Å"We are a farming community entirely. Where are you from that you do not know this?† â€Å"You know I am an Outworlder,† Seldon said stiffly. â€Å"I have been on Trantor for only two months.† â€Å"Even so.† â€Å"But if you are a farming community, Sunmaster, how is it that we have passed no farms either?† â€Å"On lower levels,† said Sunmaster briefly. â€Å"Is Mycogen on this level entirely residential, then?† â€Å"And on a few others. We are what you see. Every Brother and his family lives in equivalent quarters; every cohort in its own equivalent community; all have the same ground-car and all Brothers drive their own. There are no servants and none are at ease through the labor of others. None may glory over another.† Seldon lifted his shielded eyebrows at Dors and said, â€Å"But some of the people wear white, while some wear gray.† â€Å"That is because some of the people are Brothers and some are Sisters.† â€Å"And we?† â€Å"You are a tribesman and a guest. You and your†-he paused and then said-â€Å"companion will not be bound by all aspects of Mycogenian life. Nevertheless, you will wear a white gown and your companion will wear a gray one and you will live in special guest quarters like our own.† â€Å"Equality for all seems a pleasant ideal, but what happens as your numbers increase? Is the pie, then, cut into smaller pieces?† â€Å"There is no increase in numbers. That would necessitate an increase in area, which the surrounding tribesmen would not allow, or a change for the worse in our way of life.† â€Å"But if-† began Seldon. Sunmaster cut him off. â€Å"It is enough, Tribesman Seldon. As I warned you, I am not compelled to answer. Our task, which we have promised our friend Tribesman Hummin, is to keep you secure as long as you do not violate our way of life. That we will do, but there it ends. Curiosity is permitted, but it wears out our patience quickly if persisted in.† Something about his tone allowed no more to be said and Seldon chafed. Hummin, for all his help, had clearly mis-stressed the matter. It was not security that Seldon sought. At least, not security alone. He needed information too and without that he could not-and would not-stay here. 38. Seldon looked with some distress at their quarters. It had a small but individual kitchen and a small but individual bathroom. There were two narrow beds, two clothes closets, a table, and two chairs. In short there was everything that was necessary for two people who were willing to live under cramped conditions. â€Å"We had an individual kitchen and bathroom at Cinna,† said Dors with an air of resignation. â€Å"Not I,† said Seldon. â€Å"Helicon may be a small world, but I lived in a modern city. Community kitchens and bathrooms.-What a waste this is. You might expect it in a hotel, where one is compelled to make a temporary stay, but if the whole sector is like this, imagine the enormous number and duplications of kitchens and bathrooms.† â€Å"Part of the egalitarianism, I suppose,† said Dors. â€Å"No fighting for favored stalls or for faster service. The same for everyone.† â€Å"No privacy either. Not that I mind terribly, Dors, but you might and I don’t want to give the appearance of taking advantage. We ought to make it clear to them that we must have separate rooms-adjoining but separate.† Dors said, â€Å"I’m sure it won’t work. Space is at a premium and I think they are amazed by their own generosity in giving us this much. We’ll just make do, Hari. We’re each old enough to manage. I’m not a blushing maiden and you’ll never convince me that you’re a callow youth.† â€Å"You wouldn’t be here, were it not for me.† â€Å"What of it? It’s an adventure.† â€Å"All right, then. Which bed will you take? Why don’t you take the one nearer the bathroom?† He sat down on the other. â€Å"There’s something else that bothers me. As long as we’re here, we’re tribespeople, you and I, as is even Hummin. We’re of the other tribes, not their own cohorts, and most things are none of our business.-But most things are my business. That’s what I’ve come here for. I want to know some of the things they know.† â€Å"Or think they know,† said Dors with a historian’s skepticism. â€Å"I understand they have legends that are supposed to date back to primordial times, but I can’t believe they can be taken seriously.† â€Å"We can’t know that until we find out what those legends are. Are there no outside records of them?† â€Å"Not that I know of. These people are terribly ingrown. They’re almost psychotic in their inward clinging. That Hummin can break down their barriers somewhat and even get them to take us in is remarkable-really remarkable.† Seldon brooded. â€Å"There has to be an opening somewhere. Sunmaster was surprised-angry, in fact-that I didn’t know Mycogen was an agricultural community. That seems to be something they don’t want kept a secret.† â€Å"The point is, it isn’t a secret. ‘Mycogen’ is supposed to be from archaic words meaning ‘yeast producer.’ At least, that’s what I’ve been told. I’m not a paleolinguist. In any case, they culture all varieties of microfood-yeast, of course, along with algae, bacteria, multicellular fungi, and so on.† â€Å"That’s not uncommon,† said Seldon. â€Å"Most worlds have this microculture. We have some even on Helicon.† â€Å"Not like Mycogen. It’s their specialty. They use methods as archaic as the name of their section-secret fertilizing formulas, secret environmental influences. Who knows what? All is secret.† â€Å"Ingrown?† â€Å"With a vengeance. What it amounts to is that they produce protein and subtle flavoring, so that their microfood isn’t like any other in the world. They keep the volume comparatively low and the price is skyhigh. I’ve never tasted any and I’m sure you haven’t, but it sells in great quantities to the Imperial bureaucracy and to the upper classes on other worlds. Mycogen depends on such sales for its economic health, so they want everyone to know that they are the source of this valuable food. That, at least, is no secret.† â€Å"Mycogen must be rich, then.† â€Å"They’re not poor, but I suspect that it’s not wealth they’re after. It’s protection. The Imperial government protects them because, without them, there wouldn’t be these microfoods that add the subtlest flavors, the tangiest spices, to every dish. That means that Mycogen can maintain its odd way of life and be haughty toward its neighbors, who probably find them insupportable.† Dors looked about. â€Å"They live an austere life. There’s no holovision, I notice, and no book-films.† â€Å"I noticed one in the closet up on the shelf.† Seldon reached for it, stared at the label, and then said in clear disgust, â€Å"A cookbook.† Dors held out her hand for it and manipulated the keys. It took a while, for the arrangement was not quite orthodox, but she finally managed to light the screen and inspect the pages. She said, â€Å"There are a few recipes, but for the most part this seems to consist of philosophical essays on gastronomy.† She shut it off and turned it round and about. â€Å"It seems to be a single unit. I don’t see how one would eject the microcard and insert another. A one-book scanner. Now that’s a waste.† â€Å"Maybe they think this one book-film is all anyone needs.† He reached toward the end table that was between the two beds and picked up another object. â€Å"This could be a speaker, except that there’s no screen.† â€Å"Perhaps they consider the voice sufficient.† â€Å"How does it work, I wonder?† Seldon lifted it and looked at it from different sides. â€Å"Did you ever see anything like this?† â€Å"In a museum once-if this is the same thing. Mycogen seems to keep itself deliberately archaic. I suppose they consider that another way of separating themselves from the so-called tribesmen that surround them in overwhelming numbers. Their archaism and odd customs make them indigestible, so to speak. There’s a kind of perverse logic to all that.† Seldon, still playing with the device, said, â€Å"Whoops! It went on. Or something went on. But I don’t hear anything.† Dors frowned and picked up a small felt-lined cylinder that remained behind on the end table. She put it to her ear. â€Å"There’s a voice coming out of this,† she said. â€Å"Here, try it.† She handed it to him. Seldon did so and said, â€Å"Ouch! It clips on.† He listened and said, â€Å"Yes, it hurt my ear. You can hear me, I take it.-Yes, this is our room. No, I don’t know its number. Dors, have you any idea of the number?† Dors said, â€Å"There’s a number on the speaker. Maybe that will do.† â€Å"Maybe,† said Seldon doubtfully. Then he said into the speaker, â€Å"The number on this device is 6LT-3648A. Will that do?-Well, where do I find out how to use this device properly and how to use the kitchen, for that matter?-What do you mean, ‘It all works the usual way?’ That doesn’t do me any good. See here, I’m a†¦ a tribesman, an honored guest. I don’t know the usual way.-Yes, I’m sorry about my accent and I’m glad you can recognize a tribesman when you hear one. My name is Hari Seldon.† There was a pause and Seldon looked up at Dors with a longsuffering expression on his face. â€Å"He has to look me up. And I suppose he’ll tell me he can’t find me.-Oh, you have me? Good! In that case, can you give me the information?-Yes. Yes.-Yes.-And how can I call someone outside Mycogen?-Oh, then what about contacting Sunmaster Fourteen, for instance?-Well, his assistant then, his aide, whatever?-Uh-huh.-Thank you.† He put the speaker down, unhooked the hearing device from his ear with a little difficulty, turned the whole thing off, and said, â€Å"They’ll arrange to have someone show us anything we need to know, but he can’t promise when that might be. You can’t call outside Mycogen-not on this thing anyway-so we couldn’t get Hummin if we needed him. And if I want Sunmaster Fourteen, I’ve got to go through a tremendous rigmarole. This may be an egalitarian society, but there seem to be exceptions that I bet no one will openly admit.† He looked at his watch. â€Å"In any case, Dors, I’m not going to view a cookbook and still less am I going to view learned essays. My watch is still telling University time, so I don’t know if it’s officially bedtime and at the moment I don’t care. We’ve been awake most of the night and I would like to sleep.† â€Å"That’s all right with me. I’m tired too.† â€Å"Thanks. And whenever a new day starts after we’ve caught up on our sleep, I’m going to ask for a tour of their microfood plantations.† Dors looked startled. â€Å"Are you interested?† â€Å"Not really, but if that’s the one thing they’re proud of, they should be willing to talk about it and once I get them into a talking mood then, by exerting all my charm, I may get them to talk about their legends too. Personally, I think that’s a clever strategy.† â€Å"I hope so,† said Dors dubiously, â€Å"but I think that the Mycogenians will not be so easily trapped.† â€Å"We’ll see,† said Seldon grimly. â€Å"I mean to get those legends.† 39. The next morning found Hari using the calling device again. He was angry because, for one thing, he was hungry. His attempt to reach Sunmaster Fourteen was deflected by someone who insisted that Sunmaster could not be disturbed. â€Å"Why not?† Seldon had asked waspishly. â€Å"Obviously, there is no need to answer that question,† came back a cold voice. â€Å"We were not brought here to be prisoners,† said Seldon with equal coldness. â€Å"Nor to starve.† â€Å"I’m sure you have a kitchen and ample supplies of food.† â€Å"Yes, we do,† said Seldon. â€Å"And I do not know how to use the kitchen devices, nor do I know how to prepare the food. Do you eat it raw, fry it, boil it, roast it†¦?† â€Å"I can’t believe you are ignorant in such matters.† Dors, who had been pacing up and down during this colloquy, reached for the device and Seldon fended her off, whispering, â€Å"He’ll break the connection if a woman tries to speak to him.† Then, into the device, he said more firmly than ever, â€Å"What you believe or don’t believe doesn’t matter to me in the least. You send someone here-someone who can do something about our situation-or when I reach Sunmaster Fourteen, as I will eventually, you will pay for this.† Nevertheless, it was two hours before someone arrived (by which time Seldon was in a state of savagery and Dors had grown rather desperate in her attempt to soothe him). The newcomer was a young man whose bald pate was slightly freckled and who probably would have been a redhead otherwise. He was bearing several pots and he seemed about to explain them when he suddenly looked uneasy and turned his back on Seldon in alarm. â€Å"Tribesman,† he said, obviously agitated. â€Å"Your skincap is not well adjusted.† Seldon, whose impatience had reached the breaking point, said, â€Å"That doesn’t bother me.† Dors, however, said, â€Å"Let me adjust it, Hari. It’s just a bit too high here on the left side.† Seldon then growled, â€Å"You can turn now, young man. What is your name?† â€Å"I am Graycloud Five,† said the Mycogenian uncertainly as he turned and looked cautiously at Seldon. â€Å"I am a novitiate. I have brought a meal for you.† He hesitated. â€Å"From my own kitchen, where my woman prepared it, tribesman.† He put the pots down on the table and Seldon raised one lid and sniffed the contents suspiciously. He looked up at Dors in surprise. â€Å"You know, it doesn’t smell bad.† Dors nodded. â€Å"You’re right. I can smell it too.† Graycloud said, â€Å"It’s not as hot as it ought to be. It cooled off in transport. You must have crockery and cutlery in your kitchen.† Dors got what was needed, and after they had eaten, largely and a bit greedily, Seldon felt civilized once more. Dors, who realized that the young man would feel unhappy at being alone with a woman and even unhappier if she spoke to him, found that, by default, it fell to her to carry the pots and dishes into the kitchen and wash them-once she deciphered the controls of the washing device. Meanwhile, Seldon asked the local time and said, somewhat abashed, â€Å"You mean it’s the middle of the night?† â€Å"Indeed, tribesman,† said Graycloud. â€Å"That’s why it took a while to satisfy your need.† Seldon understood suddenly why Sunmaster could not be disturbed and thought of Graycloud’s woman having to be awakened to prepare him a meal and felt his conscience gnaw at him. â€Å"I’m sorry,† he said. â€Å"We are only tribespeople and we didn’t know how to use the kitchen or how to prepare the food. In the morning, could you have someone arrive to instruct us properly?† â€Å"The best I can do, tribesmen,† said Graycloud placatingly, â€Å"is to have two Sisters sent in. I ask your pardon for inconveniencing you with feminine presence, but it is they who know these things.† Dors, who had emerged from the kitchen, said (before remembering her place in the masculine Mycogenian society), â€Å"That’s fine, Graycloud. We’d love to meet the Sisters.† Graycloud looked at her uneasily and fleetingly, but said nothing. Seldon, convinced that the young Mycogenian would, on principle, refuse to have heard what a woman said to him, repeated the remark. â€Å"That’s fine, Graycloud. We’d love to meet the Sisters.† His expression cleared at once. â€Å"I will have them here as soon as it is day.† When Graycloud had left, Seldon said with some satisfaction, â€Å"The Sisters are likely to be exactly what we need.† â€Å"Indeed? And in what way, Hari?† asked Dors. â€Å"Well, surely if we treat them as though they are human beings, they will be grateful enough to speak of their legends.† â€Å"If they know them,† said Dors skeptically. â€Å"Somehow I have no faith that the Mycogenians bother to educate their women very well.† 40. The Sisters arrived some six hours later after Seldon and Dors had slept some more, hoping to readjust their biological clocks. The Sisters entered the apartment shyly, almost on tiptoe. Their gowns (which, it turned out, were termed â€Å"kirtles† in the Mycogenian dialect) were soft velvety gray, each uniquely decorated by a subtle pattern of fine, darker gray webbing. The kirtles were not entirely unattractive, but they were certainly most efficient at covering up any human feature. And, of course, their heads were bald and their faces were devoid of any ornamentation. They darted speculative glances at the touch of blue at the corners of Dors’s eyes and at the slight red stain at the corners of her lips. For a few moments, Seldon wondered how one could be certain that the Sisters were truly Sisters. The answer came at once with the Sisters’ politely formal greetings. Both twittered and chirped. Seldon, remembering the grave tones of Sunmaster and the nervous baritone of Graycloud, suspected that women, in default of obvious sexual identification, were forced to cultivate distinctive voices and social mannerisms. I’m Raindrop Forty-Three,† twittered one, â€Å"and this is my younger sister.† â€Å"Raindrop Forty-Five,† chirped the other. â€Å"We’re very strong on ‘Raindrops’ in our cohort.† She giggled. â€Å"I am pleased to meet you both,† said Dors gravely, â€Å"but now I must know how to address you. I can’t just say ‘Raindrop,’ can I?† â€Å"No,† said Raindrop Forty-Three. â€Å"You must use the full name if we are both here.† Seldon said, â€Å"How about just Forty-Three and Forty-Five, ladies?† They both stole a quick glance at him, but said not a word. Dors said softly, â€Å"I’ll deal with them, Hari.† Seldon stepped back. Presumably, they were single young women and, very likely, they were not supposed to speak to men. The older one seemed the graver of the two and was perhaps the more puritanical. It was hard to tell from a few words and a quick glance, but he had the feeling and was willing to go by that. Dors said, â€Å"The thing is, Sisters, that we tribespeople don’t know how to use the kitchen.† â€Å"You mean you can’t cook?† Raindrop Forty-Three looked shocked and censorious. Raindrop Forty-Five smothered a laugh. (Seldon decided that his initial estimate of the two was correct.) Dors said, â€Å"I once had a kitchen of my own, but it wasn’t like this one and I don’t know what the foods are or how to prepare them.† â€Å"It’s really quite simple,† said Raindrop Forty-Five. â€Å"We can show you.† â€Å"We’ll make you a good nourishing lunch,† said Raindrop Forty-Three. â€Å"We’ll make it for†¦ both of you.† She hesitated before adding the final words. It clearly took an effort to acknowledge the existence of a man. â€Å"If you don’t mind,† said Dors, â€Å"I would like to be in the kitchen with you and I would appreciate it if you’d explain everything exactly. After all, Sisters, I can’t expect you to come here three times a day to cook for us.† â€Å"We will show you everything,† said Raindrop Forty-Three, nodding her head stiffly. â€Å"It may be difficult for a tribeswoman to learn, however. You wouldn’t have the†¦ feeling for it.† â€Å"I shall try,† said Dors with a pleasant smile. They disappeared into the kitchen. Seldon stared after them and tried to work out the strategy he intended to use. How to cite Prelude to Foundation Chapter 8 Sunmaster, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Jury System in Hong Kong free essay sample

Trial by jury is a legal proceeding in which the guilt or innocence of the defendant is determined by a jury. It is opposed to bench trial that all final judgments are made by a judge. In Hong Kong, as it is under the common law system, jury trials are used in serious criminal cases and also some civil cases, like murder, manslaughter, rape, civil fraud and defamation cases etc. In addition, the jury is formed by a group of eligible citizens which is selected by local population. The criteria for service as a jurors are 1) she/he is a resident of Hong Kong, 2) is between 21-65 years old, 3) is of good character and sound mind and 4) has a sufficient knowledge of both the language of English and Chinese. All these qualifications listed are ensure the juries have their ability to make the most appropriate verdict maturely and reasonably. To further assure the fairness, a jury usually comprises seven people and the verdict has to be reached by a majority of not less than five jurors (Jury Ordinance s. We will write a custom essay sample on Jury System in Hong Kong or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 24). Apart from Hong Kong, jury trail is also used in many countries, like United Kingdom, United States, Russia, Canada and France etc. It means the maintenance of jury trial has its saving grace even in Hong Kong. However, there are still some criticisms to challenge the reliability and usefulness of the jury trial system. Therefore, I will try to evaluate the strengths and weakness of maintenance of jury trial in Hong Kong in the following passage. In the first part, I will analyze the advantages of using jury trial in Hong Kong. To begin with, trial by jury can erase the individual prejudices as the members of jury are from different backgrounds. There are a provisional list of jurors is held by The Registrar of the High Court, which consists of those people qualified in Hong Kong. *(1. 28) Then, the court will further select from the list by ballot or by any other random selection methods to form the jury when the count need to summon a jury. *(1. 29). Based on those random selection, every kind of people can also have chance to be selected. The Jury may compose of people come from different social classes, occupations and races. It ensures that jury will not just come from the same background and have partiality for the cases or defendants. As the jury is from all walk of lives, they will have different opinions on the same case and have a thorough consideration of all aspects of the case through discussion which can eliminate the individual bias effectively, making the verdict more comprehensive. However, when there is just one judge to make the final decision, he may swayed by prejudice. Since there is no any other there to remind him or discuss with him, so he will have no doubt about his own views on the case. It is neither fairness nor openness. Especially in the considerably serious criminal case, it has a need to have various opinions on the cases to help to give out the correct judgment. In the contrast, one judge’s decision is not comprehensive enough as one people cannot think of every angle. It may lower the credibility of the verdict. A judicial elite called Geoffrey Rivlin* also believe that the system of jury trial is impartial and equitable which can create the public confidence toward our legal system. Hence, the application of jury trial makes the Hong Kong legal system more faultless. Secondly, jury trial enables citizens to involve in the legal stuff to represent the common public. As mentioned before, the jury is formed by all walk of lives, their views on the case can represent the views of the public well. It makes the verdict can gain more public respect which means it can be easily comprehended and accepted by them. The jury’s views are more in line with the generally accepted value of society. However, if there is a judge to give out the verdict, they may only concern with the evidence which they have seen rather than considering the ineffable difficulties of the defendants. It is because judge need to strictly follow what the law state and execute it.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Real Reward For Hard Work free essay sample

I remember thoroughly this one project I was assigned to do in my first honors class during my junior year at Algonquin. We had to draw a map of the whole setting of the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I could personally relate to this story and liked reading the novel because it allowed me to use my imagination to predict what all the different settings of the book looked like and I love drawing things out in my mind then putting them down on paper. I was so inspired by the story, that I was determined to receive a good grade. I worked for hours night after night, sketching every detail in my imagination, being as meticulous as I could. I made every window sparkle with the reflection of sunlight; the ominous shadows of the opaque trees left the lawn in darkness, and crisp morning air would make the dark waters of the Long Island Sound sway and glisten. We will write a custom essay sample on The Real Reward For Hard Work or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I put so much passion into this one project that I knew even before I handed it in to my teacher, I would definitely receive an A . A few days later when we got the project back, my predictions were precise. I was the only one in the class who received an A . Ever since then, I’ve remembered the feeling of satisfaction and pride that I had when I learned that I was a step above all the rest in my class. After that I began to take pride in my work in all of my classes. From this experience I learned that there truly is a real reward from hard work. At the beginning of my freshman year I was told that High school should be a breeze as long as I work hard and manage my time effectively. However, I learned quickly that it is not as easy as it seems. Instead of staying in and studying I went out with friends. Sure I got my work done, but at the last minute, and I did the work to just do it, not to actually learn the material. Now the college process has arrived and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Not being a better student is my biggest regret. Until my junior year, I always had the â€Å"I’ll just do it tomorrow, what’s going to happen if I don’t?† mentality. I have always been told that I am very smart; however, I never worked up to my full potential. I never took pride in my work unless it was a big test or project. But during my junior year, I started taking the advice of my parents about junior year being the most important year of high school. So I began to work harder. I decided to truly challenge myself for the future and I chose to be in all honors classes my senior year. Now during my senior year I am taking pride in all of my work and making sure I learn the material instead of just doing the work. I now have the best grades I have had throughout my career in high school. This year I have worked up to my full potential as a student and I have exceeded my own personal goals to do well this year. After my â€Å"new† mentality kicked in, I am no longer nervous about getting into the right college for me. I am very sure of myself and very confident in myself to succeed in and outside the classroom. My biggest regret is not coming to my senses earlier.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Evolution of Kino essays

Evolution of Kino essays In John Steinbecks novel The Pearl, Kino, the main character, went through a series of complicated changes due to money. He was greatly affected by the hunger for wealth and overall his life is destroyed because of lust and greed. This destruction is symbolized through the many forms that Kino portrays. At first a simple rabbit-like persona takes shape. When the greed spreads through society he becomes what readers see as a small mouse being circled by fierce predators in the sky. The final form of Kino is that of a wild dog. He seems to go to any length to protect his territory from intruders. Readers can compare the introduction of Kino to a rabbit. Like Kino, a rabbit seems peaceful, simply hopping about on a spring-like day with no worries at all. A kind and gentle creature with respect towards all walks of life. At the beginning Kino is seen as a loving father and husband. He has a mental connection with his wife, that shows his love and devotion to her. Also a timid dog befriends him which justifies his caring and general kindness for all. The Song of the Family plays through his head while Kino happily looks at his life and can think this is safety, this is warmth, this is the Whole." In the beginning his existence seems tranquil and completely safe. Kino transformed into a threatened mouse-like figure once the safety of his picture-perfect life was disturbed. After Coyotito is stung by the scorpion, the security of life as it had been before is gone. The Song of the Family is interrupted. Steinbeck foreshadows the change in the main character when Kino smashes his fist on the doctor's gate, after the doctors refusal to treat Coyotito. This event shows that Kino turns to violence and anger when confronted with a problem, yet when he does so he hurts only himself. At first the purpose of his great pearl of the world i ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Does the British media frame public opinion Essay

Does the British media frame public opinion - Essay Example Journalists prefer to deliver news from a certain angle in which the public is going to accept. They target public expectation on a particular issue that is rising in that society. Journalists know that when people receive information that favors their culture and the society, they consider that information true. These societies love to hear news that revolves around them positively. Any information that describe their way of living is considered false and will never be accepted by anyone in that society even if it is a true story. However, journalists try their best to deliver reports at an angle they know will favor their audience. Journalists from the other wing tend to report the same information but in a very different angle that they know that the audience they are, targeting will accept the information. This process is called framing in media. Framing is the act of selecting features of a perceived reality and making them salient in the text of communication with the aim of pr omoting problem definition and evaluation1. Generally, framing involves selection and salience8. Many reporters use this idea in most of their information that they deliver to the public. Media frames much of the public opinions to ensure they give the right information that the public is expecting from the media news. What the media does here is that, it draws public attention to particular topics and later the journalists select the topics that they know what the public is thinking. Media organizes the events and issues they want to present and the audience are the one to interpret the information in those events. British media has used this criterion in much of their news. This media has been framing public opinion to ensure that they give acceptable information in the news they broadcast to their audiences. Mass media are the technologies used to reach audience through mass communication. There are very many types of mass media although it is divided into two i.e. the old media and the new media. Television, radio, and newspapers represent the old media. On the other hand, new media came to existence due to the improved technologies in the mass communication sector. They include Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, You Tube, and Google. The public uses each of these media differently. Each individual chooses the media to use depending on the information they are searching. All these categories of mass media are useful in Britain. They are used to deliver information to the public through many ways. Political advertisements in Britain have been banned in all television channels and radio stations5. This was put in place when Communication Act 2003 was written. None of the radio stations and TV channels was allowed to make any advertisement that was political. Political advertisements are those advertisements that are more for campaigning rather than other information. Their main aim is to influence people concerning a particular party matters. ASA is responsible for r egulating all advertisements that are made in radio stations and TV channels. Although they can regulate these advertisements, they have a limit at which they cannot go further. ASA has written a notice to all political parties informing them that they should follow the rules that have been put in place. Political advertisers are supposed to be guided by rules that are in CAP Code. These principles states that all advertisements made must have a responsibility to both the consumers and the society. Newton and Brynnin noted that, â€Å"Television has major effects on the decision that people in the public make†. This is evidenced during election s when the candidates are having debates live in the television channels. Many people who watch those debates are swayed by what they hear from these political candidates. Many people are not desired on whom they are going to vote but when they watch the debates, most of them desired on their favorite candidate to vote for. This was ev idenced when Gordon brown, David Cameron, and Nick Clegg were

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Interracial relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interracial relationship - Essay Example In the end, the fact remains more interracial relationships are becoming the norm. America can fight or embrace the trend, but it is happening all over the country. Interracial couples and mixed children have unique challenges to face and overcome due to outside influences. Since 1960 the number of interracial couples in the United States has increased more than tenfold, to 1.6 million, including marriages involving Hispanics. Such unions now account for about 4 percent of U.S. marriages, a share that is expected to mushroom in coming years and that is already offering powerful evidence that many Americans are jettisoning old prejudices as never before. (Fletcher 1998:A1) As the rise in interracial relationships becomes more evident, more and more Americans have become accepting, but old prejudices die hard for some. Not just whites, but blacks, Latino, Native American, Chinese, and so forth are against interracial relationships. Prejudices have a lot to do with the opposition, but the mentality of marrying in one’s culture is deeply ingrained. Once upon a time in the United States interracial couples did not face just prejudice, but the law as well. For example a couple in 1958 were married. Richard Loving, a white man, and Mildred Jeter, a black woman, got married in Washington D.C. (Alousie 1998). The two got married in Washington, because it was illegal to marry in their native Virginia. When they came back to Virginia the couple was arrested. Since 1924 Virginia had a law that forbid interracial marriages (Alousie 1998). The law in Virginia stated: 2 The law made it a crime not only to enter into an interracial marriage in the State of Virginia, but it also criminalized interracial marriages outside the state with the intent of evading Virginias prohibition. 3 Furthermore the law stated that children born out of such a union were deemed in the eyes of the State to be illegitimate and without the protections and privileges accorded

Monday, November 18, 2019

PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Description Assignment

PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Description - Assignment Example The two grant programs run by the National Foundation under which it can provide a grant to the PEACE are the Small Grants Program and the Investor Program. Both programs have different budgets. The Small Grants Program offers a one-time grant of $5,000 to registered charities and Investor Program offers a grant of $150,000 a year for 3 consecutive years for any of the program objectives through Supporting Families Program. The program is built on firm footing by PEACE; it has analyzed the needs of the end users for whom the welfare program has been initiated. It has specifically outlined the geographical area where the needs of the affected people match with that of the National Foundation programs to rehabilitate the affected community members and support the relatives of the victims of domestic violence. PEACE has been providing such services for a long time and has a reputation for its clear vision, strong leadership, and solid financial footing. PEACE is well aware of the needs of the Portland community. Members of the community have been involved in social crimes like domestic violence against women and children. The focus of the agency has been on educating the Portland community against such wrong social practices. In the last five years, there have been many incidents of road rage implicating community members in criminal cases. Needs of the affected community are identical with the mission and visions of both the organizations, the National Foundation, and PEACE. These needs are reflected in the aims of PEACE – to improve the standard of life of such families that have one of their family members in prison. The National Foundation’s program, Supporting Families, also supports young people involved with the criminal justice system through a rehabilitation program designed to provide the skills, create confidence in the community, and establish personal support networks to help them in leading a normal life.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Infidelity In Marriages | Analysis

Infidelity In Marriages | Analysis Introduction Infidelity is perhaps the most complex issue faced by spouses in the marital relationship. Usually, when the discovery of an affair is done, it can be very annoying for the person on the receiving end of the case. Obviously the blame on oneself is the primary response after the information and facts are understood and then the person must be willing to understand that he / she has failed to respect the other person to take this step. This results in a lot of pain, confusion and emotional problems for people that are involved in such a relation. This can affect the person and make him very depressed and even become suicidal. A person may lose confidence in future relationships and also the ability of having faith in people because of the enormous injustice caused by infidelity. Maybe this can lead to a process of divorce and custody battles cruel and endless tension. Barta and Drigotas (2001) defined infidelity as a partners violations of norms regulating the level of emotional and physical relationship with people out side the relationship. Moreover, it is a breach of trust or an act of disloyalty in a committed relationship. In this modern era where a lot of facilities are available in the shape of mobile telephone and Internet chatting, it is greatly accessible and easier to make any kind of relationship and stay in regular contact with them. Hence, it may result in shortage of time for one to spend with his or her spouse and greater contact with outsiders. In short, it can occur abruptly and unexpectedly by intention, incidence or chance or can extend over a long period of time. They can proceed for a very short time or a life span. This is one of the key reasons for enhance in extra marital affairs and its following adverse impact on the rate of divorce and suicide. Types of Infidelity Buss and Shackelford (1997) report that there are two types of infidelity exist: sexual infidelity, emotional infidelity or both. Sexual infidelity is consisting of sexual contact such as kissing, touching, oral sex, or physical contact. on the other hand, emotional infidelity includes the creation of emotional affection or warmth for another individual, and can involve the actions as flirting, dating, lovely talk, feeling interest towards some one else, or falling in love. Pittman (1989) marriage includes the hope of primariness and assurance of both partners to remain loyal with each other and keeping each other the most significant person for life time. Generally couples agree that primaries will contain the probability in which partners guarantee to have physical contact only with each other. Despite of this marital infidelity is very common across world even though, society is not permitted or accepted it. Knowingly or unknowingly, Most of marriages are now victim of this serious issue almost couples are experiencing it either being of a betrayed receiver or being of disloyal one. Even many famous persons have done marital infidelities, presidents, such as John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton and other public figures, such as Prince Charles, Marion Barry, and Princess Diana was strongly rumored to have had an extra marital affair. Actors and actresses have long presented continual material to the tabloids on affairs and infidelity. Gender Difference and Infidelity Gender based studies divided into two parts. The first group of researches focused on sex differences in reaction to a partners infidelity. Shackelford and Buss (2002) sex differences in reaction to a partners emotional and sexual infidelity are well documented and hypothesized adaptive problems (Buss et al., 1992) Due to adaptive problem of parental uncertainly, men are more upset than women by a partners sexual infidelity. Also, adaptive concern with parental investment and resources diversion makes women feel more upset than men by a partner emotional infidelity (Shackelford et al., 2000). Another part of literature about sex differences and infidelity refers to different rates of men and women involvement in infidelity. Some researchers strongly assert that men are more engage in infidelity than women (Allen Baucom, 2004). They have significantly more sexual partners outside of their primary relationship (Blumstein Schwartz, 1983) and they have more permissive attitudes toward sex outside of marriage (Thompson, 1984) and also have a strong desire to engage in infidelity (Prins, 1993) . At the same time, other studies suggest that men and womens rate of infidelity are becoming increasingly similar (Oliver Hyde, 1993) and they are not differing in terms of behavior (Prins et al., 1993). Betzig (1989) infidelity is a core base cited when pleading for divorce and those who are disloyal likely to be vigilant discussing such activity. It is neither only a male behavior while the ratio of infidelity among female is going to equal the proportion of males. Not surprisingly a third of all marriages now a days dealing with this issue. However, no doubt it is anticipated responsible of dissolution of a marriage bond cruelly. Most notably, females role have been change now they are not simply responsible for maintaining home work while working outside of home. Both male and female have almost equal opportunities due to rapid change in living structure of modern aged societies and late night travels, work related activities, and meetings these all responsible to some extent for significant increasing rate of divorce as regardless of gender no one is remain dependent on their partner for life accessories. Causes of Infidelity Thompson (1983) infidelity can exist in marital, or in any committed relationships. Therefore it considered an illegal or wrong act. The clarifications people often make regarding their illegal sexual terms are several and varied. Whatever the reason of an act of infidelity but it is certainly varies between and within cultures. Presence of sexual behavior is not must or always the case of infidelity. Ideas and perceptions of infidelity are might be different among people of same culture or between the people who have close relationship with each other. Sptizberg and Cupach (1998) infidelity provides a means of exploring the darker and more problematic side of human experience with out having to examine actual criminal offending. Affairs come in diverse forms. All affairs are not surely same: they supply unusual purposes, are done by several types of persons, fueled by a range of motivations and having dissimilar effects. One of the most obvious weaknesses in infidelity research is the shortage of discrimination between types of affairs. This has often lead to erroneous, confusing and unsupportive generalizations or stat averages about the nature, implications and what constitutes effective intervention with affairs. Considerate the individual, biographical, domestic, marital and cultural-anthropological reason of affairs is vital to planning successful intervention. Guerin et al. (1996) in a study reported that Spouse often involves in infidelity in order to protect themselves from taking responsibilities or adopting new roles. They want to escape from discomfort and pain which comes from boring and difficult marital life. With out disturbing marital life or other spouse an infidel person have has relation with person other than committed relationship. This betrayal provides him/her temporarily calmness. Psychologist Allen (2001) in a study based on Bowlby attachment theory reports that comparatively to secure attachment a person with dismissive attachment style is probable to have one infidelity atleast to his/her spouse because he/she wants self affirmation. Chen (2001) noted in his research findings that it is considered as a symbol of respect and privilege for a wealthy and influential personality to have has relations with the person of other than his/her spouse. Many times, these relations are secret in nature and based on long term and seldom have these affairs disturbed their primary marital life and relations. Prevalence of Infidelity Ninety-nine percent of married persons surveyed expect their spouse to be faithful after they are married, and 99% assume their partner expects sexual exclusivity of them (Treas Giesen, 2000). Despite these expectations, the actual occurrence of marital infidelity is much higher. According to a survey of over 1000 Americans, done by the National Opinion Research Center in 1991, eleven percent of the female respondents and 21% of the males surveyed admitted to engaging in extramarital sex (Greeley, 1994). Thus, marital infidelity is a perplexing phenomenon and research indicates that this is also true for other types of infidelity, such as infidelity occurring in dating relationships. Blow and Harnett (2005) report that rates of infidelity are vary across universe due to types of infidelity. Although, the prevalence of sexual infidelity is higher than emotional one and most of the infidelity researches have focused on sexual infidelity rather than emotional infidelity and almost result are drawn by non random sample. Further more the issue of infidelity is very sensitive and personal so, individual may show some kind of reluctance to disclose it or admit it openly. In Pakistan the rate of infidelity reported by private TV channel in a program among male is 45% and among female is 32% but these rates are not specifically for marital infidelity however, these rates are may be overestimated or underestimated at some point because there is no researches or official data is available in Pakistan. Allen et al. (2005) found that 25% committed relationships are experiencing infidelity. 22% to 25% male and 11% to 15% females are unfaithful to their partners. Other less conservative reviews reported that 25 to 50% male and approximately 10% to 25% females are engaged in infidelity during the course of their marriages. An estimated figure shows the adverse effects of infidelity that almost 50% married couple across the universe are experiencing in their marriages. Moreover, these responses of infidelity can also be varied depend on individual difference or level of affection and these response can be also extremist in nature or less extremist and threatening. Glass and Staeheli (2003) almost every marriage is suffering with the issue of infidelity regardless of love, arrange and forced marriage and status of marriage such as happy or unhappy marriage.mid life crises and other factors are responsible for trigger anyone towards infidelity (Cole, 1999). Consequences of Infidelity Brown (1999) found that discovery of spousal infidelity is always being distressing for both concerned spouses. Usually, sudden encounter of infidelity make them unable to behave normally. The disloyal person feel gloomy, desperate and victim of many doubts regarding his/her future marital life either it may remain joyous as it was before, he/she really feel the pain of that third person with whom he/she had extramarital affairs. Sexual life affected of a disloyal spouse in his/her marriage but despite of confession being wrong they tried ever to minimize their guilt by blaming others for the responsibilities of their infidelities (Chen, 2001). Bergcross (1997) in a study concluded that many probable risk factors including suicidal thoughts, homicidal, health issues, are the result of infidelity. Many others responses are noted such as violence, divorce, dissatisfaction, flirting behavior, revenge, angry, jealous, shame and so on. Some studies showed that only a small percentage of couples who experience infidelity can save their marriage after an affair (Hansen, 1987) and all marriage with infidelity do not end with divorce (Charny Parnass, 1995). Studies about consequences of infidelity showed negative outcomes like: rage, lost of trust, decreased personal and sexual confidence, suicidal behavior, depression, damaged self esteem, fear of abandonment and surge of justification to leave the spouse (Charny Parnass, 1995). Spanier and Margolis (1983) concluded that partners who divorce because of their spouses infidelity experienced less depression than those who end their marriage for other reasons. The unfaithful spouse has initiated the divorce but the faithful spouse is more likely to develop depression. When a person discovers a partners infidelity, he should decide about forgiving the partner and remain together or end the relationship. Shackelford et al. (2000) found that men and women who face different adaptive problems over evolutionary history related to various types of infidelity have different reaction to partners infidelity. It is more difficult for men to forgive a sexual infidelity than an emotional infidelity and they are more likely to end a current relationship following a partners sexual infidelity (Shackelford et al, 2002). Evolutionary theory Evolutionary theory (Nannini Myers, 2000) supported the view that gender difference present in response to partners infidelity (Sheets Wolfe, 2001) and provides one explanation for gender differences in reactions to infidelity. According to this theory, a man is jealous about his female partners sexual infidelity, because if his partner has intercourse with another man, there is no guarantee that offspring he raises with her are his genetic children. The uncertainty of paternity gives rise to excellent reasons for a man to be intolerant of adulterous sex in his partner. A male in this position may contribute resources to this offspring, as well as squander opportunities to reproduce elsewhere (Buss, et al., 1992). Using this same model, a woman is concerned about her partner becoming emotionally attached, lest he abandon her for the new partner, leaving her to rear their offspring without resources or assistance from the father. If her partner is investing more assets into another womans offspring, whether in a monogamous or polygynous relationship, it is to the detriment of her children. This theory is consistent with results wherein women overwhelmingly selected emotional infidelity as more distressing, and more men selected physical infidelity (Harris Christenfeld, 1996; Whitty Quigley, 2008). Additionally, physiological studies support this perspective, finding that men demonstrate greater autonomic arousal response to sexual infidelity and women have a greater response to emotional infidelity (Buss et al., 1992). Buss (1995) and other evolutionary psychologists argue that men and women differ in their responses to infidelity in ways that has resulted from different adaptations to different reproductive problems. The evolutionary perspective does not dispute that both forms of infidelity, emotional and sexual, are disturbing to both sexes. Instead, evolutionary perspective argues that men and women put different emotional weighting on the different aspects of infidelity (Buss et al., 1999). The theory is consistent with a good deal of research data. However, there are some noteworthy shortcomings inherent in this perspective. Firstly, the core premise of the standard evolutionary model is that sex differences in mating behavior exist as a consequence of the differential costs for each sex to reproduce their genes (Buss Schmitt, 1993). Infidelity can be efficiently explained this way by advocates of this theory in the light of higher rates of male infidelity historically (Allen et al., 2005). The theory acknowledges that members of both sexes pursue extra-pair/short term strategies; however, recent research findings show that rates of female infidelity are rapidly closing the gap (Allen et al., 2005) and the theory at present does not appear to adequately address this. In two studies (Harris, 2002; 2003) of responses to actual infidelity, men and women showed no difference in the degree to which they were distressed by emotional vs. sexual infidelity. Furthermore, both males and females reported focusing slightly more on emotional than sexual aspects of their partners infidelity. Roscoe et al. (1988) significant differences have not been found in several studies of actual, as opposed to potential, extradyadic behavior (Feldman Cauffman, 1999; Seal et al., 1994). Further, studies including aspects of infidelity apart from sexual behaviors are another example where significant differences between the sexes have not generally been found. Wiederman (1997) for example, found that there were no differences in the type of infidelity entered into or in the incidence of infidelity for men and women under the age of 40. Clear gender differences in the incidence of infidelity are difficult to determine in the light of such inconsistent research. Divorce Buss and Shackelford (1997) infidelity leads to divorce and is most likely the single most harmful thing that can occur to a marriage. Divorce refers to the often messy and painful dissolution of a marriage. Either for good or for bad, divorce is a very ordinary incident in recent days. Most everyone has been experienced it, either by going through it themselves as a spouse or a child, or knowing someone who has gone through it as a spouse or as a child. Regardless of recognized understanding with the sound effects of divorce. Waite (1995) good psychological and physiological health of both spouses can be achieved by stable and satisfied marriage; it also contributes to marital wealth and children wellbeing. But the fact is these all advantage only possible when marriage protective from high conflicts. Severe mental and emotional health problems can be protected by a sound marriage. a part of knowing this well known realities some marriages still suffer from problems and endless issues and spouse their selves are responsible for that issues which causes marriage beak downs. Surely, an unstable marriage is responsible for adverse outcomes for all family members and even upon other concerned relation. Rate of Divorce Vaus et al. (1997) most young adults when surveyed about relationships indicate that they want to marry and have a committed, trusting, respectful relationship for themselves and for any children they may have Any attempt to explain the reasons couples separate and divorce must take into account both the nature of marriage as an institution within a given social and cultural context, and its particular meaning for the individuals involved. Its remarking that the dramatic increase in the lifetime divorce probability from 10 percent to more than 50 percent in the United States and to 25 percent in Pakistan since the 1960s cannot be explained only at the personal or micro level. Dagatan (2012) investigated there is a significant raise in the rate of divorce universally on the account of everyday. Day by day Marriage is losing its worth especially in some specific societies. Many reasons are attached to failure of stable marriages such as infidelity, violence, financial crises and so on. Russia is standing on top for highest divorce rates with 5.30% while panama with 3.80% is on 4th ranking of highest divorce rate due to infidelity. Similarly, there is surprising increase in the rate of divorce in Pakistan from few decades. Currently 10 to 15 divorce cases are being filed by females per day in Pakistan. However, divorce rates are varying in different status its higher among upper class while middle class takes divorce as a stigma and comparatively to other classes its prevalence is low in lower class. Effect of Globalization on Divorce Mansfield et al. (1999) the degree to which family law reform may influence rates of divorce is debatable. In many perspectives, especially for women marriage is not only remaining the source of financial security, social status in the community, sexual activity and social companionship. Globalization has affected the thought and living structure and values across culturally. Now almost every sphere of the world people have different and more liberal attitude regarding divorce while its not consider stigma as it was. Now men and women both talk about it openly. Across the entire main reasons for divorce, women more than men tended to initiate the separation and be more likely to have sought counseling advice prior to separation. The perceived reason for divorce did not appear to influence whether men or women made preparations for living without their partner. Gender, Attitude and Divorce Differences between men and women emerged mainly in relation to specific spousal behaviors. Women were significantly more likely than men to mention abusive behaviors their spouses drinking and drug use and being the victim of physical and emotional violence as the main reason for divorce. Although ending a marriage can never be easy and may be traumatic or have detrimental consequences for either or both partners and any children involved the majority of women and men, whatever the perceived reason for divorce, claimed that in retrospect they still would have separated and felt they never wanted to get back with their former spouse. Again, women who mentioned abusive behaviors as a reason for divorce were most emphatic in their agreement with this statement (Waite et al, 1995). Impact of Divorce Bowlby (1969) a broken Marriage always left highly significant consequences. As one grow older, build new relationships with numerous important figures throughout ones lives. It is natural to form affection with the people who care for them most, in regards to their physiological and emotional needs. However, marital relationship is considering the most respective way to form relationship with people of opposite sex. In marriages there are some obligations which should be followed by both spouse and its obligatory on them to respect each other values and expectation but if any spouse doesnt care these values then marital dissatisfaction can come in existence and divorce or marital conflict occur in result which impact badly on physical, emotional and psychological health. Walsh (2008) reported that marriage is source of getting respect, status, and recognition in a society. Psychological satisfaction can be got through marriage by which individual get kids, companion for life and completeness of home structure. As it is truly said man is a social animal therefore, man cannot survive in isolation for goodness of life one need to be remain with others. Marriage is regarded as a best source of getting all these things it provides peace and emotional support on individual level. Both concerned partner sooth each other by providing their support in all situation of life. But at the same time its a very weak as well as strong one. Divorce shelters all of these and affected must feel hopelessness and experience high emotional torture that sometime intend a person suicidal. Suicidal Ideation Suicidal ideation, attempts and completed suicides are all referred to suicidal behavior. Weather suicidal ideation refers to any thought, intention which is readily made to harm one self or its any self inflicting behavior in which one is thinking to take his/her life. It happens most often in reaction to a crisis such as the loss of a relationship, death, inevitable life situation where ones feel extremist level of hopelessness, worthlessness and infidelity in highly affiliated relationship. Usually, people experience a variety of feelings during the time of crises, and each persons shows different response towards crises even in same crises. It is common to feel scared or worried or depressed. If a person feels overwhelmed or unable to cope, he or she may try to commit suicide. Thus far researchers have been unable to predict potential suicidal consistency so effectively (Goldstein, 1999). Causes of Suicide Suicide is defined as the act of intentionally taking ones own life. It happens most often in reaction to a crisis such as the loss of a relationship, death, inevitable life situation where ones feel extremist level of hopelessness, worthlessness and infidelity in highly affiliated relationship. Usually, people experience a variety of feelings during the time of crises, and each persons shows different response towards crises even in same crises. It is common to feel scared or worried or depressed. If a person feels overwhelmed or unable to cope, he or she may try to commit suicide. Thus far researchers have been unable to predict potential suicidal consistency so effectively (Prokorny, 1983). Overall it is on 8th number cause of death through out the world, its a major, preventable public health problem. Psychological causes may be one factor of it like unable to cope depression, it may be due to lack of others supports, or burden of guilt, to examine the feelings and love of other people, relationship failure, shock on incident like infidelity or divorce. It may have also origins from cultural and social pressure often in case of isolation, although, the act of suicide is varied in distinctive cultures and ages. Foster (1999) various risk factors have been studied with suicide like divorce, financial issues, marital conflicts, life satisfaction, depression, unemployment, parental deprivation and many others. Researches claim that emotional instability, psychotic disorder, major depression, personality disorder, substance dependence, marital status and affairs are usually responsible as a major cause of suicide. Despite of these known causes many other reasons can be responsible for this act. Actually, suicidal ideation or suicide is usually an individual act. There may be individual causes present for such act. However, the more common causes associated with suicidal ideation are marital affairs among married and parental or other factors are related to unmarried persons. Suicide in Pakistan In past, official statistics for suicide in Pakistan was un-available. Nevertheless, there was some evidence suggested by NGOs, newspaper reports, police that the suicide ratio has slowly been raising in Pakistan from the last few years. The increasing inclination has been very theatrical with almost 3,000 cases of suicide being reported in 2001 nationally, Even this is considered to be an underestimation, as it is well known that in many developing countries suicide tends to be grossly under-reported. In the month of Ramadan of 2012 a private news channel surveyed that near about 300 people attempted suicide during Ramadan and this rate of suicide is very alarming and surprising. Particularly, many factors are associated with the phenomena of suicide which cannot be treated in isolation from the societal and emotional factors compelling a person to think about this act. Like other developing countries, Pakistan, too, faces the dilemma of increasing cases of suicide. Suicide is view different in every society depending on its culture and religion. For instance, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and some western cultures take it negative and sin. Its wrongly consider as a result of mental illness. Even in some societies it is considered a crime. But on the other hand, in certain situation its regarded as a symbol of honor like suicide bombers, in battle, etc. Larsson et al. (1998) reported that the probability of suicidal attempts in course of an individual life could be assessed by the history of suicide in ones family members or other social network like friends etc and also by considering the level of suicidal ideation. Suicide is considered as a major preventable public health issue and ranked on 8th leading cause of death world overall. It may have also origins from cultural and social pressure often in case of isolation, although, the act of suicide is varied in distinctive cultures and ages. Many decades back suicide was understood the issue of only western countries. Since 1960s somewhat suicide cases reported in under develop countries including Pakistan but in Pakistan no official statistic data record were available. Nevertheless, reported cases are considered under estimated. Khan et al. (2008) a study conducted in Karachi, reported that risk factors of suicide include, negative and desperate or stress full events, marital status (marriage), unemployment, and psychiatric disorder are considerable indicators of suicide. There was some other evidence suggested by NGOs, newspaper reports, police that the suicide ratio has slowly been raising in Pakistan from the last few years. The increasing inclination has been very theatrical with almost 3,000 cases of suicide being reported in 2001 nationally, Even this is considered to be an underestimation, as it is well known that in many developing countries suicide tends to be grossly under-reported. Bertolote and Fleischmann (2002) every year near about one million people die due to suicide universally. According to a report by WHO less number of suicide cases are reported by outside of western countries especially from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia. These less reported cases of Pakistan may be the result of unavailability of official record of suicide in earlier decades and secondly, it is an understudied subject in Pakistan. Many factors including religion, legal and social issues make it difficult to collect data regarding suicidal behaviors. However, in the month of Ramadan of 2012 a private news channel surveyed that near about 300 people attempted suicide during Ramadan and rate of suicide is very alarming and surprising. This proportion is very threatening especially an underdeveloped country with lesser reporting record of suicidal cases globally. Khan et al. (2000) numerous hurdles are present in open discussion of phenomenon of suicide in predominantly Muslim country Pakistan. However, suicide is view different in every society depending on its culture and religion. For instance, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and some western cultures take it negative and sin. Its wrongly consider as a result of mental illness. Even in some societies it is considered a crime. But on the other hand, in certain situation its regarded as a symbol of honor like suicide bombers, in battle, etc. Particularly, many factors are associated with the phenomena of suicide which cannot be treated in isolation from the societal and emotional factors compelling a person to think about this act. Like other developing countries, Pakistan, too, faces the dilemma of increasing cases of suicide. Hassan et al. (2009) two years based research an analysis of suicide findings shows more than 300 suicides were committed in different cities of Pakistan. It reported that mostly men who commit suicide were unmarried and men 2:1 0utnumber of females. While in case of women a quite opposite result of men has found. Majority of suicidal committers were under the age of 30 the most prominent reason for suicide was domestic problems such as health issues, poverty, social pressure, forced marriages, marital conflicts. On the other side the most common adopted method of suicide were firearms, insecticides and hanging. Anonymous (1989) a cross national research on 71 nation result showed that an independent effect of Islam in lowering the rate of suicide is considerable when others factors like economic imbalance and social injustice are controlled. However, study showed Muslim countries as compare to non Muslim countries have considerable less suicidal ratio. Nevertheless, suicides occur on regular basis in Muslim countries also because some remarkable evidence has met by many Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Iran, and Turkey. Mahmood (1989) study evidence showed the underestimated death by suicide perhaps due to legal procedure by which one is subject of convicted and financial penalty. Analyzing the report of 17 Islamic countries reports experts say that this is due to cultural and religious impact that in many Islamic countries suicide is culturall