Saturday, February 29, 2020

a night to remember Essays - English-language Films, Films, Mikey

And listened to a band play a pretty good impression of la-bam-ba and a lot of other good early hits. I hadn?t had supper or dinner yet so my friends and I head to the whispering winds and I?m in the mood for some breakfast and I get to the side of the casino where the whispering winds are at and I see that there is a line the size of one at a carnival. We all decide to head to super pumper for some kind of munchies instead of waiting in line for 2 hours. We get there walk in I go to the bathroom, when I get out I grab some a bag of dill pickle chips and a bottle of sprite, Mikey gets a bag of flaming out cheetos and a power-aid, Brandon gets a beacon cheese burger a bag of chips and a cherry coke. Go back out to the parking lot and go chill in Mikey?s hot rod red colored Cammaro and ate our food and suddenly mike gets a phone call, I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation. What I hear is ?common Mikey come pick us up? I had only one guess who it was. We are on E for gas so I d ecide to put 15$ and that gets us to about half a tank. So we head out to Waubun and go pick up Tori and raven the ones I had in mind. We tell them to hurry up before their parents see us pick them up so it?s Mikey driving me in the passenger Tori behind Mikey and raven behind me. It?s now the five of us in his small spaced Camarro so Mikey get back on the phone and tries to find out where the party is at. He gets hold of Kyle and he says it?s at his house Allison?s birthday party. Now we are driving to Kyle?s house and Tori gets a call it her friend Amy and she wants us to go pick her up as well, but the thing is we are only on 3/8s tank of gas and no one has no money so Tori talk to Amy again and asks ?if she has any money she says ?yes 10$? Mikey says ?yah ok we can go get her? well we drop Brandon off because we need the space and I drive to Naytahwaush because Mikey has his driver licenses suspended from all the driving violations he has got so he makes me drive so I?m fine wit h that because he wanted to drink and I was going to be the DD so I figured id drive the rest of the night. We get to Naytahwaush and pick up Amy. its so dark u cant see nothing out side of the lights so we could hardly find her. We head back to the party we get there and everyone is hammered drunk already so the people with me all decide to try and catch up. I?m sitting there at the fire laughing at everyone how they are falling over, stumbling, being the drunk people that they are, and I see Amy so drunk she cant walk so being the nice guy I am I go and pick her up and try and make her sober up but she is being snaky and wont listen so she?s trying to push me away while she?s falling down and I?m trying to catch her all in the same process and then Kyle?s sisters boyfriend comes up to us and he asks ?what the problem? I tell him the situation he agrees with me and decides to try and help me then his girl friend see this all go down, she decides to try and help up and thinks that A my is trying to fight and she wants her out of there. Some how Amy gets away from me and walks away and Kyle?s sister heather walks right behind her and asks ?what?s your problem? and Amy does this spinning back hand looked like a UFC fighter throwing one, hits heather along her stomach and chest area. Heather gets mad grabs her by the throat and puts

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Delivery of Customer Value of Coca Cola Company Assignment

Delivery of Customer Value of Coca Cola Company - Assignment Example The company has gone a long way till the present times when it has more than 3000 beverage products serving in more than 200 countries making huge sales and satisfying customers to the utmost level. The company intends to expand their products and services and advance their features towards making their brand and services stronger thus attracting more customers and reach out to the global market as the leader in the beverage industry in the world (Our Company). The current study focuses on the company’s products, pricing, distribution, and promotion to reflect the value that the company provides to its customers. Â  The primary mission of the Coca-Cola Company is to serve its products to its customers to refresh them, arouse pleasure and cheerfulness and create value making a difference in the industry. In order to achieve this mission, the company’s objectives include overviewing the changes in the trends and preferences of choices of the customers. Also, the company has its focus on achieving and maintaining quality growth and its objectives include the 6 Ps that are the main concerns of the company. These 6Ps are the people, portfolio, partners, planet, profit, and productivity. The company intends to be highly effective in its performances thus generating huge profits for the company as well as satisfying the employees and the customers of the organization. The company focuses on providing the employees with a suitable workplace to enhance their level of performance. Also, the organizational objectives include maintaining a quality oriented portfolio of products keeping its focus on the market and following their values (Mission, Vision & Values). Â  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Marketing Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Marketing Environment - Assignment Example Brands. Yum which was started by Pepsico Inc. is a major franchise with such names as Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Dong Fang Ji Bai and A & W restautrants. Its main operation strategy has been to establish a franchise (Cyrek, 2009). Franchising is using another firm’s successful business strategy to develop one’s business. The brand of one company is therefore used to sell by another according to a business agreement between the two (Anttonen, 2005). Just like Yum, Subway is a franchise. The main deifference is that wherass Yum offers a variety of services, Subway specializes in fast foods, with sandwiches as their main product. This specialization has given Subway an edge since it is easily identified with the sandwich which is its main widely recognized product. In a way it is the swift expansion program that worked to Yum’s advantage, yet presently they don’t seem to have anywhere else to expand to, since their company has saturated its primary US, European and Asian market (Subway, 2008). Subway still enjoys a lot of room for expansion especially to the newly emergent Chinese market. Marketing the sandwich is therefore a process that will keep expanding for subway in the near future. But the biggest key advantage Subway has is in its name, they mainly market their products in subways with passengers who just find the product very convenient to grab on the way to their destinations (Subway, 2008). Products such as sandwiches do well in markets where people have a relatively high disposable income. A busy environment in which people have tight work schedules that does not give them the extra time to cook for themselves also suffices. Subways which serve customers on transit are quite strategic for selling sandwiches too just as explained above. The main trends that affect the business is economic recession such as the one which started in 2007. Sandwiches may be delicious, but they are classified as luxuries and are thus